Kosmos 94.1

Kosmos 94.1

Kosmos 94.1 is an Afrikaans Commercial Station in Namibia. The audience profile of Kosmos 94.1: Namibian between 25-59 years old. The whole nation, and those in the higher LSM groups with disposable income listen to Kosmos 94.1. We are a news leader, disseminating news on an objective unbiased basis. We engage with high-level government in order to monitor the state of the nation, and to bring the news of the day to our listeners. Hence it is not uncommon to hear the voices of government ministers on our station - clarifying or explaining important matters, or reacting to matters of the day. The music spectrum of Kosmos 94.1 ranges from hits of the 70's, straight through to current hits.
11 Podcast shows


Kry die nuus soos dit breek.
5 Oct 3AM 4,001 episodes Afrikaans News

Gedagte vir die dag

Luister na vandag se boodskap met Ds. Johan Els
3 Oct 11PM 509 episodes Afrikaans Christianity

Kosmos 94.1 Gesprekke

Kosmos 94.1 gesels gereeld met bekendes in die kollig. As jy daarop uitgemis het, luister gerus na die Kosmos Kollig gesprekke hier.
2 Oct 3AM 233 episodes Afrikaans Arts

Agra Draadloos Direk

Agra Draadloos Direk - jou landbou skakel op Kosmos 94.1!
26 Apr 2023 16 episodes English Nature · Natural Sciences

Ditjies en Datjies

Hier kry jy klankgrepe van allerhande ditjies en datjies wat relevant is
18 Apr 2023 1 episodes Afrikaans Music · Music

Kosmos 94.1 In Gesprek

Kosmos 94.1 kry gereeld gaste en kliënte wat kom kuier in die Uitsaai-Boetiek. As jy dit op die lug gemis het, kry dit hier!
31 Jan 2023 3AM 45 episodes Afrikaans Business

In the Newsroom

In the Newsroom takes a deeper look at top stories, stories of interest and issues of the day... we speak to various experts and bring you a more three-dimensional take on the news.
29 Nov 2022 9PM 325 episodes English News

Agra Provision

Van grond tot mond, hetsy herlewing of presisie boerdery met Aga Provision. Jou vennoot in landbou-opleiding.
22 Nov 2022 4 episodes Afrikaans Education · Life Sciences

Clausthaler World Chart Show

Skakel elke Saterdag in vanaf 12:00 tot 15:00 om jou Top 40 liedjies te hoor wat die beste doen in Namibië. Dit word aan jou gebring deur Clausthaler en elke Saterdag kan jy wegstap met een kas Clausthaler!
27 Aug 2022 1 episodes Afrikaans Music · Music

Covid Q&A

Covid. Covid this, Covid that! And the only thing you want is information. Renaissance Health and Kosmos 94.1 approached Dr Monir Islam, a leading researcher in infectious diseases and international public health advisor with your questions. Dr. Islam, currently working from Geneva in Switzerland, is intimately acquainted with Namibia, having…
25 Oct 2021 14 episodes English Health & Fitness

Kosmos Diere Minuut

Kosmos 94.1 weet hoe lief jy jou dierekinders het en daarom het ons besluit om vir Dr Theuns Laubscher van Windhoek Veterinary Clinic te kry om elke Woensdag kwart voor vier (15:45) te gesels oor algemene dierekwale. Dalk het jou troeteldier 'n kwaal en jy soek 'n kundige mening daaroor…
1 Sep 2021 68 episodes Afrikaans Kids & Family