Married to the four wives

Dr. A. L. N. Moloantoa shares a profound analogy about a king who had four wives, drawing a parallel to the things we are attached to in life. He explains that each of us, like the king, is "married" to four aspects of life:
The fourth wife, who was cherished for her beauty, represents our bodies. We love and take great care of our physical appearance.
The third wife, who was beautiful and a source of pride for the king, symbolizes our possessions. We enjoy showcasing our material wealth and accomplishments to others.
The second wife, whom the king trusted and shared everything with, is like our close friends and family—the ones we confide in and seek advice from.
The first wife, who was neglected and unloved, represents our spirit. Just as the king ignored his first wife, we often fail to nurture our spiritual life. Yet, it is our spirit that will stay with us after everything else fades, determining our eternal destiny, whether in heaven or hell.
Psalm 49:17-20 highlights this truth, reminding us that worldly wealth and status cannot accompany us beyond the grave, and without understanding, we are like beasts that perish.
6 Sep 4AM Sotho South Africa Christianity · Christianity

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