Radio Pulpit Mphatlalatsane


Listeners can expect a fresh Word from God early in the morning every weekday. Pastors from different denominations join us to teach the Word of God.
Daily Sotho South Africa Christianity · Christianity
716 Episodes
1 – 20

Power of agreement

Dr. A L N Moloantoa teaches on the transformative power of agreement, drawing from Genesis 11:1-9 to illustrate how unity leads to progress and success, while disagreement breeds confusion. He emphasizes that effective communication, when grounded in love, yields greater results. The text shows that the situation in Babel even…
4 Oct 8AM 16 min

Living as children of light #4

Pastor Zani Dladla continues his series on "Living as Children of Light," drawing from Ephesians 4:21: "When you heard about Christ and were taught in Him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus." Given that we have received the message of Christ and been instructed in His truth,…
13 Sep 7AM 7 min

Living as children of light #3

Pastor Zani Dladla emphasizes living as children of light, drawing from Ephesians 4:19-20: "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality, indulging in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed. That, however, is not the way of life you learned." He explains how the…
13 Sep 6AM 7 min

Reason to fight/ Why do we fight

Pastor Gwen Matshoba speaks on the reason we fight. Referencing Revelation 12:7-9, where "Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back," she explains that this spiritual warfare continues today. As we strive to live in alignment with God, the devil opposes us,…
13 Sep 5AM 20 min

Learn to focus on what is left not what is lost

Pastor Gwen Matshoba teaches the importance of focusing on what remains rather than dwelling on what has been lost. In 1 Kings, we read about the widow of Zarephath, in 2 Kings, the widow's oil, in Mark, the widow’s offering, and in Luke, Jesus resurrecting the son of a widow…
13 Sep 4AM 19 min

Married to the four wives

Dr. A. L. N. Moloantoa shares a profound analogy about a king who had four wives, drawing a parallel to the things we are attached to in life. He explains that each of us, like the king, is "married" to four aspects of life: The fourth wife, who was cherished…
6 Sep 4AM 15 min

Living as children of light #2

Pastor Zani Dladla teaches on living as children of light, drawing from Ephesians 4:18, which speaks about the spiritual state of the Gentiles. The verse says, "They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the…
5 Sep 8AM 7 min

Living as children of light #1

Pastor Zani Dladla emphasizes the importance of living as children of light, drawing from Ephesians 4:17, where Paul urges believers: "So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do." This call challenges Christians to abandon the ways…
5 Sep 8AM 7 min

Compromising the word of God

Pastor Gwen Motshoba is teaching about compromising God's Word, referencing Genesis 4:19-24. In this passage, Lamech is introduced as the first recorded instance of polygamy. He was fully aware of God's laws, as evidenced by his reference to Scripture when addressing the murder he had committed. This highlights how he…
5 Sep 7AM 19 min

Motivator behind every successful person

Pastor Gwen Matshoba teaches about the driving force behind every successful person. Drawing from John 2:1-5, where Mary says, "Do whatever He tells you," She emphasizes the power of obedience. Even though the disciples walked with Jesus, they often didn’t fully understand or know Him. Pastor Matshoba highlights that we…
5 Sep 6AM 20 min

The power of worship

Dr. A. L. N. Moloantoa emphasizes the profound power of worship, reminding us that worship goes far beyond just singing. In 1 Samuel 10:5-6, we read about Saul's encounter with the prophets at the Hill of God. The passage describes how Saul would meet a group of prophets playing harps,…
29 Aug 9AM 15 min

Be content #1

Dr. A. L. N. Moloantoa emphasizes the importance of being content, drawing from Philippians 4:11-13 The passage from Philippians highlights Paul's profound insight: "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be…
29 Aug 8AM 16 min

Be content #2

Dr. A L N Moloantoa continues to emphasize the importance of contentment. Reflecting on Hebrews 13:5, which says, "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you,’" he encourages us not to…
29 Aug 8AM 15 min

The kind of an Armor bearer

Dr. A. L. N. Moloantoa discusses the concept of being an armor-bearer, challenging us to consider the type of armor-bearer we are. Reflecting on Daniel 11:32, which states, "With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him,"…
29 Aug 8AM 16 min

Living sacrifice

Dr. A.L.N. Moloantoa discusses the concept of a living sacrifice as presented by Paul in Romans 12:1. He emphasizes that as a saved individual, you are called to offer your body as a living sacrifice to God—holy and sanctified. This means dedicating yourself fully to God and avoiding any actions…
29 Aug 8AM 15 min

God who never forgets us

Dr. A.L.N. Moloantoa speaks about the God who never forgets us, drawing inspiration from Genesis 40 and the story of the three men in prison: Joseph, the baker, and the cupbearer. While people often forget, especially those who helped or stood by them during difficult times, Dr. Moloantoa urges us…
29 Aug 7AM 15 min

Let us be the Lois and Eunice of today

Pastor Gwen Matshoba is sharing insights on being the Lois and Eunice of our time, drawing from 2 Timothy 1:5-7. This morning’s question challenges us: "What are we imparting to our children?" The greatest treasure we can offer is the Word of God. Let us dedicate ourselves to teaching our…
22 Aug 7AM 22 min

Stand up and not cry

Pastor Gwen Matshoba talks about "Stand up and not cry", Drawing from 1 Samuel 1:1-10, she highlights how, year after year, Hannah faced the same painful situation until she finally decided to take a stand. Instead of continuing to suffer in silence, Hannah wept and prayed fervently to the Lord,…
22 Aug 6AM 20 min

Woman a gateway

Pastor Gwen Matshoba emphasizes the idea of women being a gateway, drawing from Genesis 1:27 and 2:22. These verses reveal that woman was created from man, illustrating that she pre-existed within him. The scripture states, "Male and female He created them," indicating that both were part of God's original design…
14 Aug 3AM 25 min

The choice is yours

Pastor Gwen Matshoba delivers a powerful message on the importance of the choices we make in life, drawing from the stories in 2 Kings 4:1-10. She references the accounts of the Widow's Olive Oil and the Shunammite' woman whose son was restored to life- the woman who just wanted the…
13 Aug 8AM 25 min
1 – 20