#4  04 Natalie De Morney | Where a wish leads to a story

Curls are the treasure.

Right in the beginning of our conversation Natalie de Morney shares with me she has the wish to become a death doula. I am reminded of a story I wrote many years ago about a fictional society that has specific customs to deal with illness and death. This story is called The boat. I share it with you in this episode. Natalies' wish is to become a death doula, a death doula helps someone die. In my story I express the wish that a society exists where the dying person is surrounded by community. These two wishes are I believe different expressions of a need in our time.

Natalie chose the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho as the shared experience that we could base our conversation on. We talk about themes that are in the book, like destiny, treasure, purpose of life. About black stones and crystals. Natalie shares with me her life's story. It was hard for her to find her purpose in life. As a little girl, who looked very different as her family, she could feel the presence of persons who had died, she could sense the pain of people who were necklaced during apartheid. She didn't find guidance to these experience and she first shut that side of her down. She became first a tomboy and later a civil engineer. Yet, as an adult her body became sick and she became depressed. She reached out to healers who helped her to get in touch with her deceased grandfather via a channel. He tells Natalie she is supposed to study art. Natalie experienced a world of visions and dreams, they give her guidance. She discovered her lineage is Scottish, Irish, Dutch, Indian, San and Nguni. All these ancestors are in her. She embraces this. Natalie loves moving her hands with clay, she first makes pipes and screws, but now she makes curls, they re-connect her to a past that was first hidden. All is one.
Season 1 / Episode 4 19 Jun English South Africa Arts · Personal Journals

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