#2  02 DuduBloom More | The weight of elephants

The shared experience of watching the movie Where the crawdads sing.

In this episode I share with you what happened during and after my conversation with South African artists DuduBloom More.

We talked about the movie Where the crawdads sing. DuduBloom More makes art that consist often of circles in soft materials, she uses strong colours and I see strong defined patterns in her work. I seem to see more strong patterns in African art after I've read Indaba my children, by Credo Mutwa. We talk about working from home and being without a community often. I think about Heidegger who had a mountain cabin in the woods and I remember Virginia Woolfs essay A room of one own and I think should we women also create a life of our own outside of our home? I share with Dudu what remained with me after our conversation. I tell her I experienced a movement in my body that felt like a rupture in the air when she shared with me she wanted to talk about this movie with me 'because she killed him".. I tell Dudu I heard her say circles are important for her, and names are very, very important. At the end of our conversation Dudu expresses a last thought: that it is the neglect of Kya's family that is the actual abuse. And I think about South Africa where so much of that neglect is unfortunately still present in the community.
Season 1 / Episode 2 2 May English South Africa Arts · Personal Journals

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