Life Crafting with Steyn Swanepoel

We live in a fast-paced, performance-driven society that is characterized by working long hours and enduring constant stress. Do you feel like you are constantly on the go? Without time to just stop, take a breath and rest? Like you’ve become too tired to properly enjoy the things that used to make you feel happy? It sounds like you’ve been running on an empty tank lately, and it might be time for you to refuel.

But the Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t really made life any easier for you, has it? On the contrary, as a teacher, it seems your stressors have increased threefold. Because it’s not just about you – it’s about your kids that you teach too. They rely on you, and you love them – you do – but this job, coupled with the pandemic’s restrictions, is draining you.
8 Sep 2021 English South Africa Education · Self-Improvement

Other recent episodes

Loving Kindness Reflection and Word Repetition, Gratitude Reflection

In this podcast, we introduce the power of loving-kindness meditation and gratitude reflections, aiming to foster positive emotional states and compassion towards oneself and others. Through simple yet impactful word repetition techniques, educators are encouraged to cultivate mindfulness, empathy, and self-care in their daily routines.
13 Sep 7 min

Body Scan & Breathing Exercises

This episode guides listeners through a body scan meditation, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness and grounding through breath awareness. Designed to reduce stress and promote relaxation, these exercises are ideal for educators seeking to enhance their emotional well-being and focus during challenging times.
13 Sep 7 min

Self-Compassion and Connection: Nurturing Ourselves and Each Other

This podcast highlights the significance of self-compassion and acts of kindness, particularly for educators working in stressful environments. It draws on Dr. Kristen Neff’s concepts of self-compassion and common humanity, encouraging listeners to treat themselves with the same kindness they offer others. By fostering empathy and mutual support, the episode…
13 Sep 5 min

Resilience and Strength: Thriving in Challenging Times

This podcast emphasises the importance of recognizing and utilising personal strengths to navigate challenges, especially in educational settings. The hosts explore how shifting focus from deficiencies to inherent strengths can enhance motivation, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. This episode aims to empower educators to overcome stress and maintain a positive…
13 Sep 6 min

Importance of Mental health and Wellness for Students

If you can just think about it for a second, learning how to support each other through hard times is one of the most important things we can do as human beings. The role of university partnerships have been extremely crucial in South Africa for addressing issues such as social…
6 Sep 2022 10 min