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Welcome to the home of Media24’s podcasts - from politics to crime, weekly news, entertainment, parenting and so much more.
Media24 is South Africa’s leading media company with interests in digital media and services, newspapers, magazines, ecommerce, book publishing, print and distribution. It is part of Naspers, a multinational group of media and ecommerce platforms.

Recent podcast episodes

Bly Boer-lusmaker: Hardloop jou enjin in die rooi? se potgooireeks, Bly boer, wil boere inspireer om nie net aan te hou boer nie, maar ook om vreugde in hul dagtaak te vind. In elke episode verken ons nuwe maniere om balans te vind sodat jy jou roeping met passie kan uitleef. In die eerste episode gesels Reza…
23 Jan 1 min


When a thoughtless tweet by Zelda la Grange unleashed a storm, she was asked: ‘Have you learnt nothing from Nelson Mandela?’ This book is her answer. For years, she was the closest witness of Mandela’s interactions with people both famous and ordinary, and here she draws out his lessons on…
Season 1 / Episode 0 1 min

Hope Is Powerful - B

When a thoughtless tweet by Zelda la Grange unleashed a storm, she was asked: ‘Have you learnt nothing from Nelson Mandela?’ This book is her answer. For years, she was the closest witness of Mandela’s interactions with people both famous and ordinary, and here she draws out his lessons on…
Season 1 / Episode 17 1 hour

Hope Is Powerful

When a thoughtless tweet by Zelda la Grange unleashed a storm, she was asked: ‘Have you learnt nothing from Nelson Mandela?’ This book is her answer. For years, she was the closest witness of Mandela’s interactions with people both famous and ordinary, and here she draws out his lessons on…
Season 1 / Episode 16 41 min

Actions Have Consequences

When a thoughtless tweet by Zelda la Grange unleashed a storm, she was asked: ‘Have you learnt nothing from Nelson Mandela?’ This book is her answer. For years, she was the closest witness of Mandela’s interactions with people both famous and ordinary, and here she draws out his lessons on…
Season 1 / Episode 12 28 min