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Adventist World Radio SIDmedia

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Adventist World Radio SIDmedia, also known as @AWRSIDmedia, is a non-profit Bible-based Christian broadcast ministry. It is the radio wing of SIDmedia, an institute of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Recent podcast episodes

Tech-Tuesday | PlusOne Finance

Mahlatse Phokwane who is the co-founder of PlusOne Finance, which is a personal finance management app, about how we can have control over our finances right at our fingertips.
21 Jan 12PM 35 min

Wholesome Living | Religious Freedom

It should be a right, but often times, it is more of a privilege. This liberty to own and practise your faith as you choose is something not to be taken for granted whilst it lasts.
18 Jan 20 min