Baasraak Radio

Baasraak Radio

Ons by Baasraak Radio kan jou help om jou eie Audio/Video Potgooi (Podcats) te vervaardig en te versprei. Ons bied 'n professionele podcast-platform vir skeppers, handelsmerke en uitgewers. Ons bekwane produksie span staan gereed om jou te help om 'n sukses van jou Potgooi (Podcast) te maak. Jou Potgooi Projek is ons Passie. Kontak ons per epos by vir meer inligting.
South Africa
22 Podcast shows
1 – 20

The Transformation Table Podcast

Brothers and Sisters in Christ sit together around The Transformation Table to listen to God, to each other and to their own hearts. Feel free to join the household of faith who have such a good time together and talk about their Father's business.
3 Oct 69 episodes Afrikaans Business · Business

Woord Sonder Grense Mannebediening

Woord Sonder Grense Mannebediening se saalbyeenkomste by Choose Life Church *(CLC)* vind plaas op Dinsdae oggende vanaf 6:00 tot 7:00 by *CLC* se saal. Die Manne Bediening *DIGITAAL* se *Zoom* byeenkomste word gefasiliteer tesame, en op dieselfde tyd, as die saalbyeenkoms. Julle word vriendelik uitgenooi om by een van die…
1 Oct 10PM 310 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

The Watering Hole with Pastor Peter Warne

Pastor Peter takes you to the watering hole every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00am. Die Watergat is 'n tweetalige aanbieding om inklusief asook relevant te bly vir jou die luisteraar. In this hour Pastor Peter teaches and discusses pressing matters in a world of mixed views. He brings your…
26 Jun 63 episodes English Christianity · Spirituality

Freedom Behind Bars

Freedom Behind Bars is an outside broadcast by Unlock Radio presented by Coach Freek And Deacon D from within prison walls every Friday between 10am-12pm on Heartbeat FM. The program is presented to the offenders as their audience in the correctional facilities. Interviews with facility heads and prison personnel as…
8 Jun 1 episodes English Education · Relationships


We are working towards nothing less than heaven at home in every family around the world through training, mentoring and networking. We’ve been building families through training and mentoring since 2011. We’ve shared hours, stories and tears with people from all walks of life representing over 100 countries. We’ve worked…
23 May 18 episodes English Non-Profit · Kids & Family

Baasraak saam Coach Freek

Freek Vermaak se aangrypende lewensverhaal het aan hom die platform gebied om al vir 23 jaar ‘n inspirasie te wees vir baie. Dit bemoedig oud en jonk in tronke, skole, rehabilitasie sentrums, sport spanne, kerke en besighede met ‘n kragtige boodskap van hoop! Freek se van is nie verniet, Vermaak…
7 May 53 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Op Die Brandpunt Met Vlam

Op die Brandpunt met Vlam is 'n daaglikse program op Unlock Radio aangebied deur Motiveringspreker en Radio Aanbieder Zayne Coerecius. Zayne gesels oor kwessies wat die gemeenskap daar buite raak. Hy nooi verskillende vakkundiges uit om hierdie kwessies aan te spreek met die eindoel om 'n oplossing vir hierdie kwessies…
14 Dec 2023 5PM 11 episodes Afrikaans Education · Self-Improvement

Ukuphakama - Rise Up - Styg Uit

The first live broadcast by UnlockRadio.Live from inside the Oudtshoorn Correctional Centre presented by inmates weekdays from 9am to 11am
12 Dec 2023 6PM 6 episodes English Self-Improvement · Religion & Spirituality

Lekkerleestyd met Louise Viljoen

Skuif nader vir LEKKERLEESTYD met Louise Viljoen wanneer sy opwindende boeke aan luisteraars voorhou. Louise is 'n boekresensent, tekspraktisyn en skrywer.
1 Dec 2023 11 episodes Afrikaans Books · Books

Majestic Ministries International

The purpose of Majestic Ministries International is to show the love of Jesus to all people, minister salvation to a lost and dying world, teaching Believers of their authority, and declaring and decreeing the victory in peoples lives globally through the power our Lord Jesus Christ.
23 Oct 2023 4 episodes English Christianity · Education

Bridges of Hope with Pastor John Mathuhle

Bridges Of Hope is a weekly podcast by a renown motivational speaker & Cultural Intelligence Coach, Facilitator and Bridge builder. John Mathuhle. " Building bridges that connects destinies"
10 Oct 2023 9 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

New Life Behavior International Podcast

Oscar de Vries, a retired chartered accountant, resides in the Western Cape with his wife, Dawn, and their two daughters, Elise and Delene. They also have a son named Sheldon, who lives in the USA with his family. In addition to his church involvement, Oscar has dedicated his time to…
4 May 2023 8 episodes English Courses · Self-Improvement


Luister na ons herlewingsdienste wat ons orals regoor Suid Afrika in tronke, skole, besighede, gemeenskappe en gemeentes gaan hou het.
9 Jul 2023 20 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Denzel Pedro Smit

Lead from where you are is a weekly podcast by International Leadership & Personal Development Coach, Teacher, Speaker, Conversational Intelligence and Mental Fitness practitioner; Denzel Pedro Smit
25 Apr 2023 4 episodes English Business · Self-Improvement

Manne van die Woord Boksburg

Welkom by Manne van die Woord Boksburg se Potgooi Kanaal. Ons is 'n interkerklike gebeds- en ondersteuningsgroep waarvan manne landwyd; wat in 'n passievolle verhouding met die Here Jesus Christus staan, en wat hul regmatige posisies as konings, priesters en profete in hul huise, werksplekke, gemeentes en gemeenskappe inneem en…
23 Mar 2023 27 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity


The silent majority is finally speaking up! The time to rise has come for true believers in Christ to step forward. This is your CLARION CALL! Unity in the body of Christ is what will give new direction to South Africa. If not us, then who? If not now, then…
16 Feb 2023 1 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Atman se Tronkdagboek

Ek is Willem Adriaan Samuels maar ook bekend as Attie of Atman,. Vir die afgelope 11 jaar is ek getroud met my lieflike vroutjie Olivia. Ons het nie kinders saam maar ek het twee pragtige dogters en sy twee lieflike seuns voor die huwelik. Dit word aangevul met vyf kleinseuns…
2 Aug 2022 4 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Ware Pinkster Kinders - Grant Adams

My naam is Grant Adams ek is gebore in Kaapstad in 'n plek met die naam van Retreat. My geboorte datum is 04 September 1983. Ek is lieflik getroud met Elizabeth Adams en ons het drie lieflike kinders saam, ons het twee dogters en een seun. Ek is 'n gewese…
6 Jul 2022 3 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Rivers of Living Water - Henry Jackson

Welcome to the English Podcast Channel of the farmer from Zimbabwe, Henry Jackson. Henry Jackson, a former pastor, businessman and farmer in Zimbabwe, currently lives in South Africa, after another land grab in Zimbabwe forced him to leave his homeland. He and his wife, Mandy, currently live in the Karoo…
2 May 2022 6 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Aanbid saam met Dawie

Hallo my naam is Dawie Fourie. Laat my toe om jou so bietjie van myself te vertel. ek is gebore op 12 Augustus 1966 in Krugersdorp Gauteng, Een van ‘n identiese tweeling. Van kindsbeen af versot op musiek, en dit het sy hoogte punt gekry toe ek geleer was om…
25 Apr 2022 14 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity
1 – 20