Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office

Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office

The Parliamentary Liaison Office of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) is the official vehicle for contact and dialogue between the Catholic Church in South Africa on the one hand, and the country’s Parliament and government on the other. It provides an avenue for the Church – as part of civil society – to contribute to debates on issues of public policy, to exert an influence for the common good in areas of political, economic and social concern, and to help shape legislative and policy developments.
South Africa
1 Podcast shows

CPLO Podcasts

Roundtable Discussions are organized for civil society focus groups and/or MPs who work together on the same pieces of legislation. Outside experts are invited to give input. A documentary information service is provided, consisting of: Newsletters: very brief synopses of items of interest and activities of the office Responses: a…
22 Aug 22 episodes English Non-Profit · Christianity