America is probing ANC leaders over Iran “bribe”….

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The Trump administration is investigation the allegations that African National Congress (ANC) leaders were bribed to take Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for “genocide”. That was confirmed in this interview with BizNews by Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, founder and president of Shurad HaDin Israel Law Centre that led a group of 160 lawyers in calling on the American authorities to conduct such a probe. Although it did not get a response from the Biden administration, there has been action from the Trump administration. “I’m in touch with attorneys in South Africa who are in touch with the US administration and according to their view there is an investigation going on in the United States administration.” She says they are demanding that the US use the Magnitsky Act to sanction South African officials if it is found that they were involved with corruption or receiving a bribe for going after Israel in the ICJ. “South Africa has done something very severe by buying, by buying its getting out of debt in return to destroy Israel.” In a personal message to the South African government, Darshan-Leitner says: “Get off our back. Just stay away from Israel.” And she warns: “Hamas will not end with Israel. Hamas is going to the West. And South Africa in this way or another has some roots in the West, so it should be careful as well.”
7 Mar 4AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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