Sakeliga ramps up legal fight against BEE "extortion," targeting NHI, Employment Equity, and more.
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With Sakeliga’s launch of a critical legal challenge to reverse harmful state overreach and BEE in the property sector, its CEO Piet Le Roux warns that the business interest group will have “more and more concurrent cases on these critical matters, not only on BEE in the property sector, but BEE in competition law, BEE in health products” - and is building “a wonderful case” against the NHI. “We’re going to take this Employment Equity Amendment Act, which is very harmful in itself. It's being prepared for implementation later this year.” Sakeliga also opposes government plans for a R100 billion Transformation Fund. “… they've just effectively announced that they want to have another extortion racket where they want to put money in a government fund. It’s a direct attack on white businesses, and it's going to be very harmful for everyone in this country through a multiplier effect that we've already seen in the public sector and we must prevent this from happening in the private sector.”