From Rape Accusation to Vindication: The Tol A$$ Mo Story

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Top South African comedian Tol A$$ Mo and his wife Mome hold nothing back in this brave and unreserved conversation on The Carol Ofori Podcast.

Tol A$$ Mo was accused of rape by model Lerato Moloi in 2020 and then cleared of all charges in August 2022.

“I was not even just acquitted. I was vindicated. I was proven completely innocent in the court of law. And it was found that [Lerato] lied about the entire incident,” Tol A$$ Mo explains.

Speaking to Carol Ofori, the couple openly discusses Tol A$$ Mo's tumultuous journey through the false rape accusation and his subsequent mental health struggles, as well as the impact on his career and personal life.

The couple also shares personal insights into their experiences during the trial, the challenges to their marriage, and Tol Ass Mo's controversial statements.

Tol A$$ Mo also acknowledges and apologises for the damage he potentially did to some of the relationships with close friends and colleagues in the industry.

00:00 Opening Up: The Impact of false accusations
00:13 The Carol Ofori Podcast: A Deep Dive with Tol A$$ Mo and Mome
00:19 The Dark Days: Losing Everything to a false accusation
01:27 Rebuilding and Healing: The Journey of Tol A$$ Mo and Mome
01:58 Facing the Accusation: A Personal account from Tol A$$ Mo
08:54 The Power of Support: Mome's Role Through the ordeal
15:06 Legal Battles and Public Scrutiny: Navigating the aftermath
20:56 Reflections and Apologies: Tol A$$ Mo's path to healing
25:45 Mending Relationships and moving forward
27:04 Apologies and Reflections: A Journey of reconciliation
27:46 Comedy Brotherhood and personal growth
29:37 Facing the Music: The Impact of public perception
30:51 Family Dynamics and healing together
34:58 Professional Comeback: Embracing the Stage once more
38:52 The Power of Love and support in overcoming challenges
41:52 Forgiveness and Moving Forward: A new chapter
47:41 Conclusion: Gratitude and hope for the future
4 Apr 2024 English South Africa Society & Culture · News Commentary

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