#019 Healing the Frontlines: Nurturing Resilience in the Climate Justice Movement

Addressing the deep traumas faced by our young climate activists.

We must address the deep traumas faced by those who are fighting in our social movements. When we fail to care for and acknowledge them and their trauma, we risk burnout of activists themselves and the movement as a whole. The climate justice movement is no different.

Recognising that trauma is not dispersed equally, young, Black, non-Black, people of colour, women, and queer climate activists shoulder a greater trauma load.

In this episode, Ferron speaks to youth climate activists Mbali, Shaazia, and Gabriel about how trauma has manifested for them in its multiple and intersectional ways while in or outside the climate justice movement. We speak about how to manage our mental health so that we are able to build a lasting, effective climate justice movement.
6 Jul 2023 English South Africa Society & Culture · Non-Profit

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