Welcome to Safari Conversations - the Singita podcast

This is Safari Conversations – the Singita Podcast.

30 years ago, founder Luke Bailes had a dream of creating a pioneering ecotourism brand that could help save pristine wilderness areas in Africa for future generations.
The first chapter in Singita’s story started when Ebony Lodge opened in the Sabi Sand, in 1993. But truly, it began long before that, on a piece of land his grandfather owned and where they spent holidays as a family at Castleton.

So much has happened in the last 30 years, to where we find ourselves now – owning and managing award-winning lodges across multiple countries in Africa.
And, we are looking to expand our conservation impact even further, working alongside conservation NGO partners.

Welcome to our Podcast – where you’ll meet some of the very talented people who make our life-changing safaris a reality.
24 Aug 2023 English South Africa Society & Culture · Places & Travel

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