The TAU (Teaching Advancements at Universities) Fellowships Programme seeks to build a cadre of teaching fellows in a wide range of disciplines over a 19-month programme, involving block week contact sessions, individual projects in own teaching and learning settings, group projects and reflective reports; participants are drawn from all South African universities. The aims of the programme are:
To contribute towards the enhancement of teaching and learning in higher education in South Africa by supporting the development of a cadre of academics across institutions and disciplines as scholars, leaders and mentors in their fields.
To enhance the status and stature of teaching and popularise the understanding of teaching excellence in varied institutional and disciplinary settings.
To enable TAU participants to develop their capabilities to engage in and insert themselves as change agents, individually and collectively, in building a socially just education.
We are TAU group 6 and during our time together we found ourselves having detailed discussions around the questions, what do we expect from a graduate? What is graduateness?
In this podcast, we discuss what attributes a graduate from a South African university should have. We discuss the goals graduates should achieve, how we envisage them to be able to think, what they should know, how they should engage with society, and how they should think of themselves as citizens, not only in South Africa, but as citizens of the world.
To contribute towards the enhancement of teaching and learning in higher education in South Africa by supporting the development of a cadre of academics across institutions and disciplines as scholars, leaders and mentors in their fields.
To enhance the status and stature of teaching and popularise the understanding of teaching excellence in varied institutional and disciplinary settings.
To enable TAU participants to develop their capabilities to engage in and insert themselves as change agents, individually and collectively, in building a socially just education.
We are TAU group 6 and during our time together we found ourselves having detailed discussions around the questions, what do we expect from a graduate? What is graduateness?
In this podcast, we discuss what attributes a graduate from a South African university should have. We discuss the goals graduates should achieve, how we envisage them to be able to think, what they should know, how they should engage with society, and how they should think of themselves as citizens, not only in South Africa, but as citizens of the world.