OFM OFM Family Focus

OFM Family Focus

OFM Family Focus is your daily appointment discussing your family’s needs on Mid-Morning Magic, weekdays, 09:00 - 12:00. Yolanda Maartens discuss
education and learning, family health and nutrition, babies and toddlers, parenting and marriage advice, as well as teenagers and planning for the future with various experts in the respective fields. Read more: https://www.ofm.co.za/Blogs?page=1&blog=135
Daily English South Africa Kids & Family · Education
120 Episodes
1 – 20

OFM Familie Fokus: 100 jaar van die SA Vereeniging van fysioterapie

Koos Bierman, bemarker vir die “South African Society of Physiotherapy” (SASP) in die Vrystaat sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan in die OFM Familie Fokus. Die SASP word hierdie jaar 100 jaar oud en Suid Afrika was een van die eerste lande waar die professie begin is wat werklik 'n besonderse…
25 Sep 5AM 9 min

Heart Week - Episode 5: Who is the Heart and Stroke Foundation of SA

The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) is well known locally, regionally and internationally for dedicating the entire month of September to heart awareness. This weerk Yolanda Maartens is joined by Prof Pamela Naidoo CEO of the Hearth and Stroke Foundation of SA (HSFSA) to find out more.
19 Sep 3AM 6 min

Heart Week - Episode 4: Diabetes type 2 and other risk factors for Heart Failure

The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) is well known locally, regionally and internationally for dedicating the entire month of September to heart awareness. This weerk Yolanda Maartens is joined by Ms Shonisani Nephalama, Nutrition Science Team Lead from the Hearth and Stroke Foundation of SA (HSFSA) to find…
19 Sep 3AM 6 min

Heart Week - Episode 3: Management of heart failure and living with heart failure

The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) is well known locally, regionally and internationally for dedicating the entire month of September to heart awareness. This weerk Yolanda Maartens is joined by Sister Juandre Watson, Health Promotion and Health Risk Assessment Programme Team Lead from the Hearth and Stroke Foundation…
19 Sep 3AM 6 min

Heart Week - Episode 2: The causes of heart failure

The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) is well known locally, regionally and internationally for dedicating the entire month of September to heart awareness. This weerk Yolanda Maartens is joined by Nurse Silvia Craucamp a health promotion officer from the Hearth and Stroke Foundation of SA (HSFSA) to find…
19 Sep 3AM 3 min

Heart Week - Episode 1: What is heart failure?

The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) is well known locally, regionally and internationally for dedicating the entire month of September to heart awareness. This weerk Yolanda Maartens is joined by Nurse Silvia Craucamp a health promotion officer from the Hearth and Stroke Foundation of SA (HSFSA) to find…
19 Sep 3AM 8 min

Hodgkin’s limfoom 'n minder bekende kanker wat jy van kennis moet dra

Kliniese verpleeg spesialis by CANSA, Vlooi Venter verduidelik hoekom hierdie kanker maklik met Tuberkulose verwar word, wat is die tekens en simptome van Hodgkin’s limfoom waarop mens bedag moet wees en hoe word dit behandel. Besoek https://cansa.org.za/ vir meer besonderhede of epos vventer@cansa.org.za
2 Jul 5AM 5 min

Inspiration can be found despite your mobility impairments

Rolling Inspiration is the premier lifestyle publication in SA for people with mobility impairments. Highlighting the quality of life that people with mobility impairments can enjoy, Rolling Inspiration shares information on education, work, love, sport, sex, travel and so much more. Editor Mariska Morris joins Yolanda in the OFM Family…
27 Jun 3AM 4 min

Borskanker ondersteuning gebied deur vrywilligers wat die pad ken

Ilse De Wit van Reach For Recovery sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan om te gesels oor die vrywilligers wat deel maak van hul program en hoe belangrik dit is om ondersteuning aan borskanker pasiente te bied. Om betrokke te raak kontak haar gerus by 079 760 4491.
16 Apr 4AM 5 min

Suretha Maartens leef in oorgawe ongeag haar oorplanting 13 jaar terug

Suretha is 'n gebore, grootgeworde Vrystaatse meisie en die middelkind van drie susters. Sy was nog altyd 'n gesonde mens, was lief vir oefening en gesond eet. Toe sy in 2010 gediagnoseer is, het dit vir haar en haar hele gesin as 'n skok gekom. Haar skenker, haar ma, is…
2 Apr 5AM 5 min

The quadriplegic and paraplegic charitable trust aims to support entrepreneurs

The quadriplegic and paraplegic charitable trust was established in 2012 in order to provide a means of funding for quadriplegics and paraplegics, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, who have entrepreneurial opportunities but just need some guidance and support to grow their ideas and opportunities. Entrepreneurship is often a better avenue…
31 Jan 3AM 11 min

SADA beiwer hulself om verandering vir gestremdes in SA te bewerkstellig

Wanneer dit kom by die regte en vryhede van persone met gestremdhede in Suid-Afrika – hoe vergelyk ons met die res van die wêreld? Wat is van die grootste uitdagings wat mense met 'n gestremdheid in die gesig staar? Yolanda Maartens gesels met Melanie Lubbe, sekretariaat van SADA oor die…
19 Dec 2023 2AM 5 min

Melanoom die dodelikste van die velkankers

Mid-Morning Magic se Yolanda Maartens praat met Vlooi Venter, Kliniese Verpleegspesialis by die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa), oor bewusmaking van Melanome as die dodelikste van kankers, risiko faktore, kenmerke van melanoma en risiko vermindering. Vir meer inligting besoek KANSA se webtuiste by www.cansa.org.za Bel Kansa se hulplyn 0800 66 00…
13 Dec 2023 4AM 8 min

Naudine Booyens is 'n baken van hoop vir ander

Om amper lewenslank in 'n rolstoel te spandeer het verskeie uitdaagings maar vir Naudine Booyens van Bloemfontein het sy net besluit om vrede te maak met haar omstandighede en aan te gaan. Sy vertel dat dit soms steeds 'n love/hate verhouding is met haar rolstoel maar sy kry oneindig baie…
28 Nov 2023 4AM 3 min

Pelonomi Hospital honours World Prematurity Day

World Prematurity Day on 17 November is one of the most important days in the year to raise awareness of the challenges and burden of preterm birth globally. At Pelonomi Tertiary Hospital in Bloemfontein they host an entire week of awareness and conversations. They focus on supporting moms who currently…
16 Nov 2023 2AM 4 min
1 – 20